Safety Pin

You are a cat somewhat
but not a chain, 
you don't deserve
the bad name 
of what is chained.
To unchain yourself
makes you a whole:
you get opened
and your eye sees more.

You walk on your own,
all alone,
but not against,
just quiet, content.
My chain link,
in your eye's blink,
my treasures get pinned,
safe is my wish;
tied to a pocket
or to a gown,
by the other
and by your own body bound.

I ought to have 
a handful of you
to remember
what to keep and what to lose...
You blush at nothing,
paper rose,
joy attached 
to my buttonhole:
open and close,
as sharp as a hedgehog.

Opened, you're
a wounding sword;
closed, a blunt object
asking for a cuddle.
I carry you in here,
I caress you, dear:
open and close
good morning or bye bye...
"my safety pin,
let's hold each other tight"...

You are blushed at nothing,
paper rose,
joy attached 
to my buttonhole:
open and close,
sharp hedgehog.

You are a cat somewhat
but not a chain, 
you don't deserve
the bad name
of what is chained.
To unchain yourself
makes you a whole.

Hezurren azpian (Gaztelupeko Hotsak, 2019)