Waiting for the barbarians that are already here

“Hey, Sir... 
any news?  

What´s gonna happen?

What´s going on?” 

“I have a feeling

(and it´s just a feeling, mind) 

that dark days 
are coming... 

I crossed 
no border:
but the border
passed right through me”.

“Hey, Sir... 
any news?  

What´s gonna happen?

What´s going on?” 

“The barbarians are coming,  

in their hordes and masses.

They´re close now,

I can feel it".


Are they digging trenches? 

Are they digging graves? 

Frosty dewdrops in the meadows,

tremble to the quiet whispering of guns”.

“Hey, Sir... 
any news?  

What´s gonna happen? 

What´s going on?”

“Let´s wait a while,
we know nothing for sure.
It may be just the glare os sunlight,
nothing more…

The age-old law
is ages old.
Believe in the horizon,
keep the faith”.

Leiho bat zabalik (Mara Mara diskak, 2017)